8 25 In this video, the St. John Ambulance Coach shows you how to gradually place someone in the recovery position, which will help keep their airways open and know how to place the unresponsive person 6 12 Automatic After the auto-play is enabled, the suggested video will be automatically played next. The next position is Rehabilitation Position-First Aid Training-St. John Ambulance-Duration: 2:32,
3 4 How to get someone in Rehabilitation position | NHS-Duration: 1:07, NHS 66,313 Opinion, 1:07, Recovery Position Training Video-How to put someone in the recovery position-Duration: 0:44, putting someone in the recovery position will maintain their respiratory tract Unobstructed, it also ensures that any vomit or liquid will not suffocate them. This video provides a step-by-step guide to placing someone in a rehabilitation position 4 3 How to place someone in a rehabilitation position, kneel next to the patient, take Lower all the bulky objects in the glasses and pockets, straighten the patient\xA1\xAFs legs, put the nearest arm at right angles to the body, bend the elbows at right angles, palms up, if you put them on the back, they may suffocate or vomit or block the tongue Respiratory tract. Putting someone in the recovery position will help keep the respiratory tract unobstructed. Put https://www.photoworkout.com/best-sd-card-recovery-software/ in the recovery position: 1 kneel next to the person, 2 straighten arms and legs, 9 6 resume posture for loss of consciousness but People who breathe have different recovery postures. After completing the first aid, if you ensure that the person has no spinal cord or neck injury, please put someone in a recovery position. You can save lives by performing these simple measures.
6 20 The following method shows you how to restore your spine injury if you are alone, even if someone thinks you can recover, 1 remove your nearest arm, 2 Putting the person in the recovery position will keep their airways open and open. It can also ensure that any vomit or liquid will not suffocate them. This video provides step-by-step guidance to help someone in a recovery position if they lie on their backs. They may suffocate or vomit or the tongue may block the respiratory tract. Placing someone in the rehabilitation position will help keep the airway open. To put someone in the rehabilitation position: 1 kneel next to the person, 2 straighten their arms and Legs,
If you want to find more information about how to place someone in the recovery location video, you can go to this page, which explains how to place someone in the recovery location video, recover Location video information
[Free recovery in five steps]